Meet The Team


You might have seen the About Me page, but I think it is only fair that you meet the rest of the team!


Julie is my amazing mum, so has been nothing but supportive throughout this whole experience of getting the business going, but also given unwavering support even through her own struggles! She is a finance director, and has been working to help all of her clients to achieve the most they can in terms of
their financial setup! You can tell who her favourite client is... right? 


John is my awesome test subject/handyman/van conversion expert/dad! Anything I ask if he can do, or help with, or support, he will always do this absolute best! He used to work in the software industry, but then decided that technology was no fun anymore, so went and changed careers and joined the country sports industry. He has always been a bit of a country lad, and this gave him the chance to get back to his roots and have so much fun as well. Do what you love, right? Throughout the pandemic, which understandably has been a quiet period for his work, he has been helping/converting 'Lance' and helping me to get him ready as fast as possible, but of course to the highest standard we can!



Smudge is definitely the most important member of the team! He is the beautiful, handsome, adorable, cute centre of all of our lives... our yellow labrador! He is absolutely mental, and always want to be involved in everything that we try and do, which is difficult when you are trying to saw wood... he tries his best, bless him...